Friday, July 30, 2010

Doggy Diaper

So one our dogs Rolo woke us up this morning vomiting (5 times) and progressively got worse throughout the day.  He had 2 accidents which made us realize he was really sick!  Justin decided to take him to the emergency vet hospital tonight to make sure he wasn't in serious trouble.  Big bucks later... of course they still are not sure what's wrong with him other than he probably ate something bad outside.  To further prevent any accidents Justin had the genius idea of diapering him :)  Rolo was not too happy to say the least as you can tell by the look on his face.  Thought this pic was just too funny not to share!  
Here are a few of Ella of course :)  She has recently learned to jump!  She also loves to sing (In this pic "If You're Happy and You Know It")

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Taylor... 2011 Senior

After shooting 800+ photos surely we have ended up with at least a few great shots :)  I had such a blast practicing my skills on Taylor and enjoyed working with her!  She was such a great sport during the 90+ degree heat!  

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Taylor... Senior 2011 Preview

I had so much fun taking Taylor's senior pics tonight!  Being chased by the rooster just added a little spice to the shoot :)  Many more pics to come..... 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

More of B & Matt Matt

Here are more of the pre-engagment photo shoot pics, at least that's what I'm calling them :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

B & Matt Matt

Matt & Brittany were kind enough to let me practice my photography skills on them.  Haven't had time to edit them yet, but here is one of my favs.  Aren't they cute together!  ;)

I'm Blogging!

Been wanting to start one of these for a while and finally just now getting around to it! Yipeee! Can't wait to start posting pics and my deepest thoughts (not that I have many of those) :)